There’s no doubt that volunteers are critical to Copes Hope. Help us with our programming and care for the horses seven days a week year-round, our needs quickly add up! This gives you a wide selection of opportunities to help our mission.

There are many volunteer options not requiring horse experience, just the desire to help other humans. Sidewalking, barn assistants, marketing & development, facility maintenance and special events are all examples. If you have horse experience, consider becoming a leader in lessons. Whatever your talent, we appreciate your support! 

Get started by filling out the volunteer application and plan to attend visit to get oriented. Individuals age 15 and older are welcome to volunteer with a minimal requirement of 2 hours per week (individuals under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during their volunteer shifts). There are also opportunities for Community Service Groups, Mission Groups, businesses, fraternities, sororities, and church groups. Contact us to find out how to schedule your group!

Opportunities for volunteering include side walking, leading, cleaning stalls, care for animals, and farm care.